Tally on the Go with Microsoft Azure

A seamless browser / app based Tally on the Web for easy access and effective manageability.
Starting at Rs. 950/- per user.

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Solution Overview

Move your current on-premise Tally ERP accounting software to Microsoft Azure for secure remote accessibility through mobile devices, tablets, and laptops, eliminating the need to handle server, hardware, or infrastructure concerns. Microsoft Azure's exceptional capability to instantly scale virtual services—such as compute power and data storage—makes migrating Tally ERP or TallyPrime an advantageous move across various aspects. This encompasses scalable resources, robust data security, reliable backups, and numerous other benefits.

Problem Statements

Move your current on-premise Tally ERP accounting software to Microsoft Azure for secure remote accessibility through mobile devices, tablets, and laptops, eliminating the need to handle server, hardware, or infrastructure concerns. Microsoft Azure's exceptional capability to instantly scale virtual services—such as compute power and data storage—makes migrating Tally ERP or TallyPrime an advantageous move across various aspects. This encompasses scalable resources, robust data security, reliable backups, and numerous other benefits.
1. Do you have multiple locations with multiple users using Tally and it is challenging to centralize Tally data?

We have seen many companies using Tally on multiple locations and have challenges consolidating data at a single location for better reporting and backup.

2. Do your remote or home-based users find it difficult to access Tally seamlessly, needing complex networking setups like VPNs?

With more people opting for remote work, Tally on the web provides users the flexibility to connect securely from anywhere via a web-based access or a secure remote app managed by Microsoft.

3. Is data privacy a concern to host Tally on SaaS based shared infrastructure?

It is important to host business critical and data sensitive applications like Tally on dedicated and non-pooled infrastructures for better data privacy and security.

4. Backup and secure access is a challenge?

Tally on the web provides easy backup and restore of data and secured access via web or a remote app that is completely managed by Microsoft. Entire network and access is managed by Microsoft and does not require a VPN or complex network architecture.

5. Simplified pricing model.

With no fixed charges, or per user licensing. Our solution provides flexibility and pay per use license model that gives organizations complete control on the pricing.

6. Are you hosting your Tally on a non-compliant infrastructure?

Many modern tools available in the market are non-compliant with Microsoft licensing guidelines and require RDP (remote desktop) CAL licensing. Hosting critical applications on a non-compliant infrastructure may lead to legal complications. Our solution hosts on native Microsoft services such as ‘Azure Virtual Desktop’ which is in line with Microsoft licensing guidelines.

Benefits & Features

1. Dedicated and private infrastructure for better data privacy and security.

2. Easy and simplified access for multiple users from multiple locations via any web browser or an installable remote app.

3. On-demand, scalable infrastructure at the go. Also with simplified infrastructure, it is easier to manage and provide access to users. VPN configuration and other complex networking is not required.

4. Data centralization and easy data backup and restoration.

5. Cost control with pay per use commercial model & simplified licensing. Pay for what you use and no remote desktop license CAL requirement.


Virtual Machine on Microsoft Azure

Managed Disk & Storage

Data Backup & Snapshots

Identity & Access Management (Optional)

Managed Services & Support (Optional)


Name Description Approx. for 5 users Approx. for 10 users
Virtual Machine with Managed Disk A virtual machine for Tally running on Windows 10 operating system attached with 128 GB of HDD hard-disk. Windows 10 license cost is included in the commercial. 4750 INR / month for 5 users. 8500 INR / month for 10 users.
Data Backup & Snapshot Native Azure data backup services to backup Tally data and native Azure snapshots for OS disk snapshot. 500 INR for 10 GB of data backup 500 INR for 10 GB of data backup >
Identity & Access Management (Optional) Azure AD Premium licenses for additional security such as IP or location based access control and multi-factor authentication. 2400 INR / month for 5 users 4750 INR / month for 5 users
Managed Service & Support Brio extends end-to-end managed services & support for the Tally infrastructure. ..

- Microsoft Azure commercials mentioned are approximate. Actual billing will be based on actual usage and consumption (Pay as you go) of deployed services.

- Tally ERP license cost is not included in the commercials. Customers will need to bring their own Tally licenses. Quoted commercials are for the infrastructure only.

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